Real Teens Speak Out

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The start of my depression

The bullying started on my first day of 6th grade in a new school, some girls decided to corner me in the bathroom. They said that my hair was ugly and tangled and they told me I looked like a guy. That honestly hurt my feelings because I’ve never had anyone talk down on me like that. They picked on me for that whole year and one day I just decided I was over it and I fought back. They haven’t messed with me since but they did cause some serious mental health issues. You aren’t alone.



Growing up I was very small and I still am but I used to be really tiny and people would take advantage of that and it hurt. I was mentally, physically, and emotionally abused by those people who was the same age as me, isn’t that crazy I was quiet because whenever i spoke up i was annoying i, i eventually learned to show them that they don’t matter to me and it worked for a little bit they started to feel embarrassed at the fact that i made them look dumb for trying to talk me down. keep in mind that this is when i first arrived to my elementary school. and I was in the first grade i soon became friends with my now best friend and created a nice friend group and I was finally getting along now everything was perfect and going up to after COVID we are now in the sixth grade and i´ve decided to go into the building and learn there and the bullying started again with the same people and it started with little stuff like being made fun of for participating in activities like career day but I held my ground because my bestie and friends reminded me of my worth and things have been great from there. I am now in ninth grade with my bestie for now 9 years and I am still small and yes I still have problems with my height but that does not stop me from soaring. So just remember your worth is greater than anything and people is only mean because they are insecure too.



It was freshman year, I had many friends and was in this friend group. There were about 6 or 7 girls in it. We always had sleepovers or fun little hangouts. Every time we hung out it was like the best days of my life. In the middle of freshman year, I was having a sleepover with my friend group and we were making stupid poses. I was wearing a stupid outfit. One of the girls took a photo of me and posted it online. It wasn’t the fact that I was wearing a stupid outfit that bothered me. I didn’t have a jawline. My friend posted the picture of my double chin and when I asked her to delete it, she did. I was fine for a couple of days until that picture was printed on my locker. Somebody had screenshotted it. I was bullied so badly that I stopped eating and working out a ton. Cyber bullying is real and effects many.



i was bullied for having big lips and it made me feel insecure.


I got jumped

I was in 6th grade some girls who I was super close with , we used to have sleepovers together and all . we was always with each other . so basically we was at recess and im allergic to berries . it was berries on the trees so we was playing it was four girls and me . so two girls grabbed one arm one leg you know what I mean . they swung me and dropped me then rubbed berry on me in front of everybody . I never wanted to talk to any one anymore , I was sick and traumatized , I was lost I didn’t know who I was after that . I was betrayed.


I got bullied a lot

when I was in third grade I had a girl and a boy in my school they were brother and sisters they were the rudest to me. I have been with them for 6 years now and this year they are the worst. three days ago the girl kept hitting my bookbag and I was getting annoyed. now I have a counselor she protects me from anything. always know you are one in a Million.



When I was in JK and SK I was bullied by these girls who thought they were better than me I guess. They would make faces at me as they passed me in the class and would tell the teacher that I did stuff I didn’t do to get me in trouble. Eventually she realised what was happening and told them off, but when she left and another teacher came, they started doing it again. I left the school soon after and I barely remember it anyway after so many years, but it still stays in my heart.


my middle school bully storys

when I was younger in middle and elementary school I would be picked on because I had a lazy eye. so the kids that I thought were my friends, when they found out they would constantly pick with me and talk about how ugly, and slow, and cockeyed I was. as I got older I tried to wear glasses or anything to not make it noticeable but when others found out they talked about me behind my back and told everyone about my flaw. this got in the way of me having friends and partners because everyone was so disgusted with me .


My bullying story….

When I was in third grade I used to get bullied for no reason. I had decided to take up for myself because it was time where I wanted to harm myself due to that.


Bullied Everywhere

In 4th Grade I was bullied in school by a teacher and two other students. Although it didn’t last long I felt awful about it because I had thought I was able to trust those people prior to this. Not only that, I was also bullied by others in an academy for more than three years. I was bullied by teachers and students for the most ridiculous reasons and now I can barely trust anyone.
