Your never alone in this world


It all started in first grade when I was treated as nothing more then an outcast. Back then I had no friends and nowhere to go. This continued to be the story of my life day in and day out for years. I began to build walls around me and push others away. Eventually it got to the point where I almost couldn’t take the pain any more. I found myself wondering if anyone would even care much less notice if I took my own life. More often then not it felt that the answer to that question was no. In the end however, everything changed during my freshmen year in high school. Thanks to the ROTC at my school I finally felt like I belonged somewhere. If it weren’t for them, I honestly do not think I could have made it this far. I still struggle some times with things from my past but now I know that if I keep going and not give when life gets hard, then I will make it out of this alive. For those of you out there who are reading this I want you to remember one thing. So long as you choose to keep pushing on in life know this. There will always be idiots who will try to knock you down but you are stronger, smarter, braver, and bolder then any of them. You are beautiful and strong. Don’t give up on yourself and there is nothing you can not accomplish in life my friend.