Too far


Bullying was never a problem for me through out elementary school up until my freshman and sophmor years of high school (9th & 10th grades). I was during those two years i was being bullied by a group of 3 punks who were 2 years older than me. What started off as a few jokes and name calling turned into a complete nightmare.  I didnt mind them calling me names and making jokes of me, after all they were only words. Once they figured out that i wasnt bothered by what they called me, they started to get physical with me. It started with a few shoves in the pe locker rooms and then rapidly left the pe class. They started bullying me outside of our PE class, during lunch, brunch, after school, even on days where there was no school and i ran into them in public. They would punch me and hurt me with their wrestling moves, they would leave me hurt, bloody and really sore in the mornings. Im not a a little scrawny boy who has the streangth of 0. These guys were just much bigger than i was and most of the time it was 3 vs 1. But it was much more than physical pain. They completely humiliated me various times as well. Through out those two years they have stolen from me, abused me, beaten me, and humiliated me. They would always be pantsing me to humiliate me. But one day they took it way too far. I still remember it like it was yesterday, it was a friday right when the final school bell had just rang and it was time for us to go home and enjoy our weekend. I began to walk towards the back gates of the school campus when i ran into them. I srarted walking faster to avoid them but then cought up to me and the first thing they did was take my school bag. The one who took it was holding up in the air and as i was reaching for it stretching my arms up another one comes from behind me and pulled my pants and boxers down. My first reaction was to pull them back up but the guy infront of me who had my bag stepped stepped on them in between me legs so i couldnt pull them up. There was about 20 people around who saw and i just didnt want to go to school on monday from the embarrassment so i stayed home. And people even took pictures and started sending them around. I was the spot light of the school, the bare butt spot light to be exact. All the could have been avoided if i had just got some help when it all began.