This is my life
My bullying started when I was only five since then it has gotten worse and worse. I was physically bullied and socially bullied. I started to lose sight of why I was still living. But then God sent me an Angel from heaven telling me I was ok and telling me that God loves me and that’s all that matters. She told me how she was broken to at once and how she overcame it. I started to have hope again I started to feel free I realized why God wanted me alive and want my purpose in this world was. It’s to spread the word about my story helping people understand that there are people that can help and they’re not alone. That what makes you different is what truly matters and when those bullies realize that they’ll understand that what they did was wrong. But that doesn’t mean I want you do criticize them for it I want you to help them forgive them I understand it’s hard but they need to see the love that you were able to get. And that’s my story. #I AM A BULLIED VICTIM! 70.6% of young people say they have seen bullying in their schools but have not intervened or told anyone about it. 70.4% of school staff have seen bullying but have not intervened. 62% witnessed bullying two or more times in the last month and 41% witness bullying once a week or more but again done nothing about it. Lots of people total have witnessed bullying, but only about 20 to 30% of students who are bullied notify adults about the bullying. According to one large study, middle schools students had experienced these various types of bullying: name-calling, teasing, spreading rumors or lies, pushing or shoving, hitting, slapping, or kicking, leaving out, threatening, stealing belongings, sexual comments or gestures, and e-mail or blogging. That’s a lot if you ask me.
And according to one large study, the following percentages of middle schools students had experienced bullying in these various places at school: classroom (29.3%); hallway or lockers (29.0%); cafeteria (23.4%); gym or PE class (19.5%); bathroom (12.2%); playground or recess (6.2%). If you are a bullying please stop it’s wrong you may even be bullying someone and you never knew. I want you to just apologize to that person they may hesitate at first to accept your apology but it will happen if you can show them you truly mean it. Help me make a difference in this world and I don’t want you just to do this for me but for every person out there who knows what it feels like to be alone