This is My Fragmented Story


I got bullied up until 3rd through 8th grade. How was I bullied it really depended on which bully you were talking too. Third and Fourth I was treated as an invisible disease and almost everyone in my class would go out of their way to avoid and/or call me dirty. I would also get the usual girl drama, of two-faced girls. I also was usually picked out by teachers as a “a problem child” and a “tattle-tail”, so when would ask for help I would get “Why don’t you just ignore them?” “Are you sure that you can’t talk it out?,” they honestly didn’t think I hadn’t tried? I had some days I just wanted to stay home, and cry; my mom said she would think about homeschooling me on these day. Probably, the only reason that people stopped picking on me by 8th grade is because the friends I had. They were either super friendly, or scary enough that no one would *cuss* with me. I got to the point that I would seek out those like the past me, and I would stand up for them; just like my friends did for me. We created a group of misfits that would pack into a hallway at lunch, and talk about was ever we wanted, do whatever we wanted and welcomed anyone; without fear of persecution. If you can find a true friend keep that friend, don’t forget about other grades where you bullies don’t precede you. I’m currently going to college to be a doctor, so take that everyone that said I wouldn’t amount to anything!