A boy acting as a girl


For the rest of my primary life i used to be called “pondan” Bc i act like a girl. I dont have many friends who are boys back in the day.. I had many friends who were girls. And, everytime i went to school… All the bullies will go to me and say “hey guys, its mr.girl!”.. And when it was the end of the school year, psr results were already out and i got 1A 3B and 1C.. The bullies got 5Ds or 4E 1D which was really bad for our school. And my teacher, ms. Jen, she said “see, look at him. He got higher marks than yours. Even if he is a ‘pondan’ he still gets high marks. Bc he never stops believing of who he his… He tries to change, so give him some time. Dont judge people by their faces but judge them by their heart. If You were in his situation, you call him names… What would you feel? Heartbroken, right? So, apologize to him.” Once after my teacher said that, all the bullies apologize to me and hugged me and said “we are so sorry for judging you… Can we be friends?” From that moment on, we became friends and never judge each other by their cover