The life I had to have because of bullies


When I was 6 I started at a new school. In first grad it wasn’t bad at all, kids were nice and I had real friends. Then in second grade the torment began, girls that were my friends teased me because of the clothes I wore or the back pack I had so I made repeated changes to please them. Each year it got worse, I had no friends and spent all my time that I wasnt in class on the cooling vent sitting there because no one talked to me. In fourth grade my teacher bullied me too and I first noticed depression at that point. At least in fifth grade I had a teacher that always looked out for me. I didn’t mind the kids in sixth grade because I didn’t care. If they wanted to bully me they could, I told the school many times about the bullies but nothing was done about it. No punishment and no discussion, in fact I got in trouble for repeated reports and was told that they were taken care of. After I went on to junior high in another district then I had friends and great teachers and I’m in high school now and in 10th grade. However I saw these girls at a store once and they kept pushing me around and teasing me after years apart. At school I’m very popular now and worked hard to get there but when I run into those girls it takes me back to the days when I was trash, worthless, and small. No kid deserves this, it has to stop, and while schools have a no bully policy they don’t follow through with punishment, believe me I know. Thanks for letting me share my story !