The Black Hole
I have a mole on the side of my nose. It’s been there since I was born. I am very self conscious of it because of the things that have happened.
The first time I remember realizing that people notice my mole was when i was in kindergarten. I always got asked what it was. I think i was in second grade when I had an appointment about it. I remember that vividly. It was in 6th grade when people started being mean to me about it. It was only one person, but it felt like the whole world was against me. His name is B, and he still bullies me. It was one day in homeroom when i was talking to him and he said “Yeah but at least I don’t have a black hole on the side of my nose.” that happened 2-3 times throughout the year. Also in 6th grade I started getting bullied by this new girl named E. She would kick me and put me in a headlock and beat me up. She made fun of everything I did and I felt like everything I did was wrong. E has another friend named ET and one day I was standing next to them with my friend A. I have a big forehead. A doesn’t. The E’s came up to me and measured my forehead and then measured A’s forehead and laughed at how huge mine is. That didn’t make me happy. Another time I was with the E’s at ET’s house. there’s this girl with a freckle on the side of her nose right where my mole is. EVERYONE makes fun o that girls freckle RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! What do they say about me behind my back? Another time I was at a pep rally and B and another boy named Bl were behind me. Bl dared B to touch my mole. “NOOOO! DISEASES!” B shouted. I went home that day and cried. There have been more times like this, but I can’t list them all. Just please, anyone who is reading this, be nice to everyone. even if they’re mean to you.