That Haircut


I’ve had the same hairstyle for literally 3 years and i needed a change, so I started off with cutting my half meter locks into bob hairstyle. I finally could feel new, different ,better. But something i forgot was – School.
I showed up in class, a shocking reaction, nothing unexpected though. Yet it wasn’t a “good” kind of shock, more of a “you’re an idiot” kind of shock. But anyways, i knew this was gonna happen and i was ready to deal with it, but maybe i wasn’t. People ARE mean, and they’ll do anything and everything in their power to bring u down. So here goes my day –
Comment 1: “u got a haircut?”
And i was like ‘no..i just chopped my hair in an invisible manner’.
So i said “YEAH”.
People dont understand ur basic level sarcasm sometimes, so..

Comment 2: ” am sorry, i couldn’t control my laugh”
And my first thought was ” ya… i too had to see ur face AGAIN.. I couldn’t help getting irritated either”.
So i said “do i look bad?” ..big mistake asking that..
Comment 3:”You used to have the best hair in the class”
And now i was like “maybe i DO look ugly”.
So i said “YEAH!”
And those 5 girls kept passing through me for the WHOLE day. It felt like a punishment, walking by people whom u don’t want to see, amd they dont either.
But the fascinating part was, i also got comments like –
“My goodness, u look even more adorable”,
“Can u stop being so cute”,
And now when i think about it, all over again, the only rude mean comments, came from my classs’ girls who are jealous of me.
And seriously, people do all sorts of shit to bring down your confidence. And its completely ok to feel that. But once ur done crying, think over it, u r better than yesterday and some people just can’t take it.
So SMILE, it pisses them off.
And this haircut really suits me:
i feel new + different + better = ME.
Mission Accomplished!