Tell an Adult
I’ve been pretty much bullied my whole life. From other people’s perspective people see it as just a bit of “banter” and nothing more. They cover it up as a friendly joke but they don’t realise they are hurting you. I was picked on, hit and pushed by people and I would retaliate for them to just do it more and more. Do not retaliate, that’s exactly what they want to from you. I would ignore them and they would leave me alone for a bit before coming back from more. There’s nothing you can do but stick up for yourself and that can be scary, real scary. I didn’t know how to stick up for myself but if I had been that brave I would of and I know it would scare them away. One day this guy threw me off the edge, not the way I wanted it to go and shout at him for all the nasty stuff he had done to me but I ran off crying, he came to me later on apologising saying “What i dont was way out of order,” not realising that it wasn’t that but a build up of EVERYTHING he had done which hit me. I eventually poured my heart out to a teacher or more that she had got it out of me. She told me that it wasn’t the first time he left someone crying in her office because he picked on her. That had only happened yesterday, im scared of what will happen when I come back to school because of what will happen to him, even though i shouldn’t care at all after torturing me for almost 4 years. I don’t want anything bad to happen him that could come to exclusion etc. Does he deserve it? Yes. But i just can’t help to feel bad. Pouring what I had felt for years that I kept to myself for so long felt so good, it’s not healthy to bottle everything up. I tolerated what was misery to my life and now I will not, no one deserves to be bullied and certainly not you. Tell an adult, i know it’s scary whether that could be the consequences of you telling but i promise you it will make you feel better than worse.