sticks and stones break bones but words hurt too
Since I was 3 years old I’ve been bullied although it was by different people but when I was in year 8 so I was 13 I started getting bullied really badly. It would always be because of my weight or how I looked but then they started saying I was posh and thought I was superior to everyone else and started calling me Mrs Bucket because they say I act posh but I live in a run down council house but really it’s just that I know how to behave. Other kids join in as well because they notice that they use swear words in like every sentence but I never ever swear because my parents told me that even when there’s a need to swear I shouldn’t because I should always try to find a better word. They laugh at me because I used to self harm but I haven’t harmed for about a year now but I still have the scars on my arm so when it’s too hot for me to wear my blazer and my cardigan they see the scars and push me down and tell me I’m supposed to cut downwards.