In the beginning of seventh grade, there was a student who would always pick on my so called friends and I. When it got to the point where he sat on my head when I bent down to reach for something it got worse I wrote many reports on him and he got suspended for a day. Although that everybody thought he was done, he started to make more inappropriate comments and actions where he pulled down his pants. At some point, I would feel scared especially when the principal did not want to help. He would chase me down the hallway or poke me with a pen in class. He once hid under the lunch table, pop up and chase after me until I would reach a teacher who would not help. There were investigations everyday and eventually I had to speak up by screaming and kicking him when he grabbed my leg or something. This case eventually got solved when he got help. I wrote this story especially for the people who are quiet like me. In order to prove that you must stand up.