my story


my name is kennedy and my story starts in 7th grade. me and my best friend in the world got in a fight, we ended up blocking each other on our phones, the casual friend fight was over and then we started to talk to each other again. it had been a while since we had talked since i had moved, transferred schools and just started school, so i decided to talk to her, long story short we got in a fight and didn’t talk to each other, we blocked each other and deleted each other, it was over once and for all. after a week or so i told one of my friends and i gave her the number and told her to give my friend crap, and she did. this poor innocent girl who was my best friend for 4 years, stuck by my side even when i was a jerk to her. she wanted to commit suicide because of me. it sickens me to think about it. reading everybodys stories has changed my life around, i didn’t know how much bullying could affect people, i always thought of it as somebody saying something mean and that was it. luckily i have changed for the better and i swear to everybody that i will never in the name of humanity itself do it again. i would like to thank everybody for all of their inspiring stories, and this wonderful website to help me through this time. bullying is a bad thing and do anything you can to help stop bullying. 🙂