My story
I have been getting bullied at school not For how i look dress or act but just because somw girls likes my boyfriend ️️and tried to break is up but i told Them to stop i thought jt was over but i got mean messages ans snapchats about how im a ugly Fat a slut and much more. I Blocked Them but they made new accounts and they kept bothering me. At first ut was only online but it git brought to school and now The teachers get me to talk and apologize to the bullies. Why? I didn’t do anything to them. It stopped for a few days but then I was sitting in history doing my work with 2 of my friends and I felt a pencil hit my head. I thought it was my friend messing with me then I felt another one so I turned around and I saw a boy that is friends with the girls that have been messing with me laughing with the girls and he picked up the pencil. I got hit in the back of the head around 30-40 times the i asked to leave and go to the bathroom as I go to leave I get hit again and then called a f****** b**** by one of the girls. I looked sad the rest of the day a lot of people asked what’s wrong I just murmered im okay. After lunch I cried during my whole math class and said my head hurt but in reality I was tired of being picked on and I don’t want to get kicked off sport teams for soemthing so stupid. No matter where I go they follow and I don’t want to live my life thinking that someone is always gonna put me down. I try to stay positive but it’s hard im almost to the breaking point of shutting down my phone. I get stressed out easily and Im only 14. That’s not good im not sharing my story to win the Mac I just want people to know that there not alone and they have to stay positive and keep there heads up high. I have friends but no one really knows what’s going on… Im not popular but im an athlete i take my school and sports serious but one thing I hate is bullying.