Message from a victim of bullying


The message is: never ever give up on life as there is always light at the other end of the tunnel as the victims of bullying and also the families who have lost a loved 1 as a result of bullying will always come out stronger than the bully in the end and also never be afraid to speak out about being bullied as there is always somebody that would listen to you.
That’s a strong message coming from a victim of bullying which has to be shared as that thought always helps there’s always light at the other end of the tunnel.
Also there should be a law brought into this country about bullying so as that the bullies won’t get away with there actions that they can actually be charged for there actions. Which have an effect on the victims of the bullying and also the families that have lost a loved 1 as a result of bullying. So there should be a law brought in about bullying.