Growing up you were told sticks and stones may brake my bones but words will never hurt me. Well when words are taped to stones and thrown at you it hurts. My bullying consisted of from 7 am to 9pm and none of it was cyber bullying it was at school and at home. Kids called me names and beat me up for nothing. i rode my bike to school because my parents didn’t want to drive me four miles there and four miles back. So i park my bike and the kids were already there i could never escape. I laugh about how the nurse could tell who beat me up by the size of the bruise on my body. I was in the guidance counselors office so much and talked to so many child case workers that every case worker new me by name and every time they saw me the first thing they asked was what happened this time? My life was a nitmare no matter what i did. I never had time to cut myself or commit suicide because i was to busy and its still going the same way and im only in 7th grade