It gets better!
Um, hi?
Yeah, this is something I hate talking about, but I want all you awesome misunderstood people to listen/read for a moment.
From the first year i started going to my school, i was different. I dressed differently, talked differently, even acted differently. This instantly affected me, and i still look back at it wondering why. I had no friends, no one to talk to, and no guidance throughout my entire school experience from when i was in kindergarten, to freshman year. I was constantly bullied for being different, and any sort of relationship i attempted was cast away into the metaphorical pit of despair.
And it gets worse. From the beginning of 7th grade to the end of 8th grade, i had to deal with not only the lead headed knuckle dragging jerks that the bullied are soooo used to. I was a victim of bullying, but after I stood up for myself, and showed how i really was, even the bullies came out to see me for who i was.
I am now a freshman in highschool, with many friends, and a girl who stole my heart. And you know what? You all have hope too. I believe that with a little time, you will get your chance! :]