I was bullied
It was the first year I was going to a real school and I was in 6th grade. I had become best friends with this girl (who is still my best friend and I love her dearly) and my best friends other friend didn’t like that so she started to tell me how my outfit was ugly how crappy my hair was or how I wasn’t good enough and I should just stop. I honestly didn’t know I was doing anything wrong. One week my best friend left for vacation and the day after on her email account I got a email saying how I should go die and how no one wanted me. I was pretty upset my best friend would say that, I texted her and asked if I did anything wrong. She told me she didn’t know what happened and how she had no internet. We both right away guessed who it was. The day after I got another mean email saying I should die, I told my best friend and she told her mom. Her mom talked to my mom about it. I didn’t know so one day my mom asked me what has happening and I told her everything and I was in full out tears. My mom got so over protective and she talked to the bullies parents and to the school. It’s now 7th grade and she’s gone and I’m happy and I still have my best friend by my side.
All I can say is if your being bullied don’t say mean things back don’t hide it go tell someone and in the end you won’t be as hurt and you won’t do something stupid to yourself. Remember bullies only bully because they are jealous of you or insecure.