I was bullied


I was 9 when the bunch of idiots, who thought that they rule the world, started snatching my stuffs, physically beating the crap out of me and calling me names (the evil witch being their favourite because my teeth had braces and my eyes had glasses). The bully lasted for almost three years.
They would always make sure to make me cry at least once before the final bell rang. Pushing me and calling me an ugly witch was the best part of their day which never failed to amuse them. It was like they came to school not to learn but to bully me. I hated them to the core. I still do. Thanks to them i became the “Weird Girl” of the school. Everyone avoided me either out of fear, embarrassment or ego.
My self esteem was literally crushed and i became introverted.
My mom found it weird when i mentioned about changing my school because I started coming home grumpy and there was a long way before winter break. I would hate monday mornings and friday evenings were my favourite. I would miss school at least once a week which was affecting my school works. No matter how hard she tried she was not able to make me confess what was happening. But i guess she figured from here and there because somewhere near the end of the last term the bullying kinda stopped. I never talked about it to her (until recently) and thankfully she never tried to ask (mothers know best 🙂 ). Still i changed my school the following year.