I remember the day I was called fat. It was the last day of school in grade 2. I was 8 years old.
From that day forward I can remember each person who picked on me, what they said, and how it made me feel. Yes… I remember each and every single one of you, who has ever said anything negative to me. There are still times when I believe what you said is true.
I am very lucky to have true friends and an amazing family. If I didn’t, maybe I wouldn’t be here today. Maybe I would have been one of those people who just lost it and decided to punish all those who hurt me. Maybe I would be one of those people who decided I was not worth anything. Not worth living.
It is a hard lesson to learn self-worth when there is so much negativity in this world. No one should have to feel like they are to fat, to skinny, to hairy, to bald, to short, to tall, to black, to white, Christian, Muslim, to smart, to dumb, gay, straight,…. Useless…. Ugly. No one should feel like they don’t matter.
Today, to all the people who have bullied me, my first instinct is to say, you’re right. I’m fat. I’m ugly. I wish I was prettier. Skinnier….But what I should say is…. ***** you…. You don’t know me. I don’t care what you think. Because of you, I am stronger and I have people who love me. I feel sorry for you. I am sorry that you are so unhappy inside that you have to make someone else feel as crappy as you do. I am truly sorry you don’t know the amazing person that is me.
As a victim of bullying, I want to spread awareness and try to make a difference for other people like myself. I have seen people being bullied and I have stuck up for them. I learnt to stick up for myself but I shouldn’t have had to learn by being bullied.
Truth is, if people can learn to be mean and negative, they can learn to be kind and loving. We can all learn to care and accept each other and realize that everyone matters. Even YOU.
If you ever feel like you don’t matter, you do. If you feel like you need someone to talk to, I am here to listen.
Someone loves you. Love yourself too.
And to all my true friends and family, thank you. I love you from the bottom of my heart.