Teresa B.

This is going to be very hard for me to write, but I’ll do my best.

I distinctly remember the first day of Kindergarten. I walked into my classroom with a smile on my face: happy, outgoing, ready to make new friends.

At the end of the day, that smile had quickly turned into a massive frown.

In my ancestry, I have German blood, hence the reasoning for the way my ears are shaped (big, round, and they used to stick out A LOT). Thanks to my mother, who had moved constantly during her childhood, I spoke differently than everybody else, and I was always small for my age. For all these reasons and more, I was immediately cast off from everyone else. I was a nobody, and nobodies don’t have feelings…right?

Years passed, and entering Junior High, things only got worse. Instead of just petty words and remarks little kids used, now there were more sexual, more meaningful insults, never mind the quickly spreading epidemic that I was quickly introduced to: Cyberbullying. Eventually, I became slightly anorexic, even more emotionally vulnerable before, and quickly fell into a downward spiral that melted into hardcore depression.

I guess the worst part about it wasn’t that I was being bullied, it’s that nobody really cared enough to notice. Even if they did notice, I’m pretty darn sure they still didn’t care. After all, it’s not their problem, is it?

By the time I entered high school I started having serious suicidal thoughts. I even wrote a suicide note, saying why I felt the way I did and why I would do what I did to relieve myself of the nonstop torture. Nobody wanted to listen to me. Heck, I was even told on several occasions to "crawl into a hole and die."

Sophomore year came along and I lost it. My grades plummeted, I was physically deteriorated, mentally exhausted, and just all around DONE. I was ready to relieve my pain and leave this world in peace.

That’s when HE came.

When I say "He," most people would think "oh, she must mean some higher being." Not in my case, though I guess it’s kinda similar. My guardian angel had finally arrived.

His name is Sean. Like me, he’d also been bullied in the past, but he had the luxury of a group of people to talk to. For a while, I must admit, I envied him a bit. He is pretty much me in another body, aside from the fact that he likes programming and I’m more of a Psychologist. We both like reading, writing, music, learning, talking (as in intelligent discussions), etc.

Anyways, as soon as we met something clicked between us that just felt right. The two of us shared information about each other nobody else had the luxury of learning, and every day seemed to get better with our friendship.

Sean is my guardian angel and hero. He ultimately saved me from suicide, and I can never repay him for it. He taught me how to love myself again, and in turn how to see others differently. Thanks to him, I learned that not everybody is going to treat you badly. As of now, we are a loving couple of almost two years, and planning our future together.