Friends Can Be Bullies Too


One of my friends really hurt my feelings. I told her how I felt and she didn’t even bother to say sorry. She said it was just a “joke”. Then she goes on Instagram, rants about how I’m overdramatic and that I’m self centered. She says that I started everything and was making things dramatic, even though she’s the one who wrote this whole paragraph on social media. She says that I complained that people think I’m self centered then she states that she never called me that. Even though she clearly did. She even said so on the very last line of her paragraph rant “she thinks the world is all about her”. It really hurt me. I was mad, I snapped back. But that didn’t help with anything, I just made myself even more angry. My point is, if someone says bad stuff about you, don’t say anything back. A bully just wants attention. Their main goal is to make you angry and if u clap back at them, you are just proving to them that they got you. The more you react, the more they will attack.