Friends Against Bullying
This is my story about the time I got Bullied:
I have been bullied since kindergarten. That was just little picks. It all severely started in Middle School. Throughout middle school and the beginning of high school, I was tripped, shoved, kicked, hit and I was even talked about on the internet even though I don’t even use social media like Facebook or any other type of internet site of that sort. A person even texted me to ask me out and it was all a joke. I thought that maybe there were people that liked me for who I was. In middle school, I tried to “fit in”, only to stand out even more because the ones that acted like they were “helping” me, made even more of a joke of me. I started being called all kinds of names. It affected my whole school life. I was afraid of how high school was going to be. I went to summer school then on to 9th grade. I still cant believe that I had to fight my way through school. I got tired of all the garbage! I started to hit, kick and even slap back! Of course, that got me suspended. After all this time of crying and hurting, I finally fought back! Again, my bullies still came after me but I am the one that got suspended for standing up for myself. After the suspension, I left school for a bit and went to online school. I needed time to think about who I was and what I wanted to be and not how everyone else wanted me to act, dress, behave, etc. My classmates and peers were cruel and it tore me apart. When I was online schooled, it made me realize that I am one person. If I am running away, what is happening to the others that are being bullied? So it had me look at the real person I really am. So now I have a hard time making friends because I don’t know who I can trust. I feel safe knowing that I have my own little circle of friends and some best friends. I have even started my personal project about bullying, “Friends United Against Bullying”, I carry around a red notebook to have classmates sign a pledge that they will not bully others. And I am finally telling myself that I am not scared of anyone who puts me down, they need more out of it than I do. I am able to forgive the people that have done wrong to me but I will never forget.
My Friends Against Bullying website