Fake friends
In eighth grade this girl s didn’t like me. In ninth grade I became really good fiends with some of her friends which brought us together a bit. We were friends for months, we usually only ever talk on the bus. And we only ever talk about her.. I always felt unheard by her so I started sitting with someone else and I just stopped talking to her. She started telling this boy I liked that I was talking bad about his girlfriend which led hm to bully me. My friends stood up for me and explained how s doesn’t like me and was lying he understood and apologized. That boy and I never dated but he is best friends with my sister and now he and s bully me everyday saying that I shouldn’t go to our fair because there is a target on my back. That I’m going to be beaten. I hear them giggling about me all the time. He had liked me ever since 3 monthes ago so I don’t know why he is bullying me and making me cry everyday. They continue to threaten to physically beat me an laugh at me and embarrass me.