There is only one word to describe bullying. Disgusting. If you think it’s cool to bully, pick on, abuse or make fun of other teens than you are sadly mistaken. I’ve witnessed so much bullying over the course of my life, and everytime I see it it makes my blood boil. I understand that you may feel insecure and that’s why you might bully. But instead of picking on others, worry about yourself.
We all have to come together and be nice. What exactly is the reason to be mean to someone, especially over social media? I see so many people, more so girls, commenting on statuses and pictures of people they don’t even know just to be rude and cruel. Why? Why would you do that? Leave them alone. They don’t need to be bullied just because you’re having a bad day. Everyday I see comments like ‘You’re ugly’ or stuff similar to that. It’s absolutely disgusting. Instead I challenge all of you to comment something nice on story or on someone’s status. Be a good person.
You never know what someone is going through behind closed doors. The rude comment you just said to her might be the last straw she had left before she gives up. Bullying. Why do we do it? Are you comfortable being the reason someone is hurting, or are you comfortable being the reason someone tries to end their pain?
Thanks everyone, for reading. Have an amazing day.