Donnie’s Story


My name is Donnie, I am 8 years old,  last year my mom decided to move me from a private school to a public school.

The first 2 days were the worst ever. On the first day I was standing in line and these 2 boys one in front and one in back of me kept pushing on me and hitting me. I was taking karate at the time but did not want to use it. I asked them to stop 3 times and they wouldn’t. So finally, I had to defend myself.  I pushed the boy in front of me off of me and kicked the boy behind me. Of course I got in trouble and the teacher would not listen to me…..

The next day I was playing during recess and this boy tried to take a kick ball away from a girl and me. I did not want to be at the school anymore,  it was terrible. I asked the boy for the ball back and he kept running with it and would not give it back. I asked him again and finally he kicked it far far away and then he went and hit the girl.  I went up to him and said he wasn’t supposed to hit girls and asked him why he would do something like that.  He said because he wanted to.  I told him it wasn’t right.  He then came and tried to hit me and I just gave him a karate kick.  Of course I ended up in the priciples office.  But the good news is she said I did good by trying to defend the girl and the other boy got in trouble. I haven’t been bullied since.  

As a matter of fact whenever I see someone not treating someone right,  I try to help. I did it just this last week, when one of my own friends was being a bully to someone, and I called him to the side and told him he was being a bully and not to do that anymore or else we could not be friends. 

As a result of that experience, I made a video.