Bullying at 5 years of age


In 1968 I could not wait to get to school. I had two older siblings and I just wanted to be with them and go to school.
I was bought up on a farm with Polish parents. At the age of five I spoke virtually no English. I only spoke Polish. I had very little interaction with English speaking friends.
When I was ready for school, we had to catch a bus to get into town.  A girl on the bus began picking on me & enjoyed humiliating me in front of her friends. Her name was Dianne. I can never forget her name. I was a quiet naive person… I was only 5. She tormented me for a number of years.
The bus was always crowded..she would invite me to sit on her lap. When I did she dropped her legs letting me fall to the floor with her friends laughing hysterically. I hated my bus trips. She must have been in years 7 or 8. When she eventually left school my bus trips were great. What a nasty, horrid person she was. No one victimised me once she left.
I had told my mum about what this witch was doing to me but due to the lack of English in our family my concerns were ignored.
Back then report cards were made three times a year. 1st term, 2nd & 3rd term.
My attendance for 1st year read as Sayisfactory. 2nd term, Not Satisfactory. 3rd term completely Unsatisfactory.
I just hated going on that bus. I would fake illnesses and just not want to catch that bus. Eventually, mum would be hitting & bashing me to get on the bus. I did not care about the physical abuse…once that bus left without me, the pain stopped. There was no other way for me to get into town.