bully is not good


on first day of schools I was happy but in bus there was boy sit next to me and the girls to like him said”mean thing and word like B word and I was ugly but I didn’t care and at class they throw a paper at mr and call me a loser fat and evil and when I get to home I cry so much and I tell my mom I throw up today at school so I can’t go to school today and I decide to lose weight but my mom was really worried about me and 3 week later I go to school and they saw me make fun of me the boy help me and I lost 4 pound and teacher ask me but I didn’t say anything and it was too much for me and I decide to tell my mom and my mom call the school and teacher help me to stand up then her dad decide to change school of her but I said” no” because I know she was mean to me but I wasn’t but her dad make her grounded.

You also stand up for bully.