Bullied all through school
It started in primary school around year 3. I’ve always been socially awkward and a lot of people think that’s weird so people never really liked me. It was just normal for me and I had my friends so it didn’t matter too much until year 6. It was embarrassing but I believed in fairies and my whole class found out and teased me about it. Looking back now it was dumb of me but I started speaking to a stranger online who helped me deal with everyone at school. I told my best friend and she told everyone. This girl then came up to me before school and started saying mean comments to me. When I left primary school in the summer holidays her and her friends started cyber bullying me and saying horrible stuff to me on text. But then when I started secondary school in year 7 I became best friends with this girl and everybody had seemed to have forgotten about year 6. But near the end of year 7 she left and I started being on my own in class and at lunch and break. The bullying started again and I started being referred to as the loner or weird. People would throw stuff at me, trip me up and say mean comments. Eventually, near the end of year 9 I moved to a different school where I became friends with a group of really nice girls and everything was great. Everyone loved me. However, in year 10 people started to bully me again. People look at me, say mean comments, throw stuff at me and make me feel worthless. Right now I’ve just started year 10 and it’s just something I have to deal with everyday but still my friends are great and I think I’m lucky to have them in my life.