best friend or worst friend?


I’m 16 and I’ve been friends with this girl named “C”all my life. I’ve always thought she was a good friend because she was always supporting me money wise because my family is not as well off as hers. Looking back on what all she has done to me and to other friends in my group I’ve realized that she’s not the person I thought she was. She manipulates me into doing things I’m not comfortable with, she talks bad about me to my other friends, when I get mad at her for something she always tries to make me take the blame, she’s hit me before for no reason, and when she hangs out with me she will invite a lot of guys over and it puts me in a bad place because I have a boyfriend of 2 years and she’s putting me in situations that I can’t control because I don’t drive. She’s gotten me in trouble with my mom because she lied to her and I didn’t know about It. And she’s putting me on the wrong path, not only because of my beliefs but my morals. I would have never thought that my friend actually had that much of a pull on my life but she does. Ever since I stopped hanging out with C I’ve not only gotten closer to my true friends. But I’ve stayed out of trouble and my relationship has been doing better. The other day she messaged me and begged me to hang out with her because she didn’t have anyone to hang out with, but really she was trying to manipulate me to go to her house because she invited like 8 boys to come over. I know to some people this may not sound like bullying but I do feel bullied. I feel like when I say no to C she gets mad. She posts about me. She talks about me. Trapped friendships are a real thing. And I’m glad I finally got out of mine.