“Being African American and other mixed blood”
I look more African American then any other of my mixed blood in me, which is Cherokee Indian and Samoan.
Growing up in America Samoa was not easy. I was called names picked on by other children and also by adults. As I grew up and I realize the ignorance in many families even my own. They would say "meauli" which means black thing and think its funny or named me by this name was very disturbing. I was always distant from these family members because they lack the knowledge in how much what they think of me and say about me is so belittling. My bullying was in school and at my own home. The worse part of this experience is most adults are encouraging this ignorance.
It’s funny how I had these strange people calling me "Julie" and to realize years later when one of my own family members shed light on why they were calling me by this name is because they used this name in place of the black thing they used to lighten the degrading name calling which still refers to the color of my skin.