All My Life


Most of my life I’ve been bullied. Mostly for the way that I look, being overweight as a kid is hard. When your little there aren’t any boundaries, you just say what’s on your mind. As I got older I lost a lot of weight, but I was still on the not so skinny side. People would still make fun of me and it got harder cause the kids that would say things would act as my friends for about 5 minutes then say something insulting. It made me want to just run and cry, but I had to keep strong. I don’t know what makes them want to hurt someone, it’s enough knowing what they say be hide your back but hearing someone say it directly at you, makes worse to handle it. My middle school experience was the worst, in 6th grade I was bullied during p.e. for just being there at the wrong time. I was bullied by a girl that was bigger then me, she thought since she had girls backing her up and that she knew she was bigger then me, made her feel that she could toss me around. At one point it went to far, they had pulled down my shorts in front of everyone. My friends really didn’t back me up, which made me think if I even had any friends. I thought they didn’t want to help because they were afraid they would become another victim. But as I progressed it got better for me, I always stand up for people who are bullied even if I don’t, know them. I’m about to enter my 2nd year of high school and I feel safe, for once in my life. I don’t get judged and I don’t let people say nasty things to me, I stand up because I’ve become a fighter not just for myself but for others.