A Poem for Those Who Think Bullying is Cool
This poem is for all of those who think bullying is cool and to let those being bullied know that those who bully often have their own weaknesses and pick on others to feel better about themselves.
Cyber bullying just give them a way to hide.
So all of you who are being bullied – remind yourself- these people are no better.
For those of you who are bullying – it could be you….so cut it out – step up and step in and stop the bullying.
Cyber Bully
You hide behind your keyboard
cowardly disguised
hateful words spewing forth
with the distance it provides.
You prattle on feeling oh so brave
while you shred another to bits
seeking to elevate yourself
but you’re really not legit.
You prey upon their weakness
yet you have your very own
come out from behind your keyboard
stop texting with your phone.
Because the pain of another
is nothing to laugh about
you’re not so brave, you’re not so cool
when you’re hiding out.