I got bullied from year 4 to 6. I didn’t really care at first but then it slowly hit me that I was being bullied. I had just moved to a new school and all I really cared about was making friends. There was this one girl who was really popular and nice. Or so I thought. I remember we were playing ‘Bloody Mary’ once and it was my go. We were playing in the music storage cupboard. I went in and switched the lights of. The room could only be locked from the outside. Just as I was saying ‘Bloody Mary’ I heard a lock click and someone laugh from the outside. I was terrified and stood frozen without a word coming out of my mouth for 10 mins, until she finally opened the door. I still trusted her though I thought she would learn from her mistakes. A day later, my class was revising for a maths test and I was the first to finish my question. I was slightly good at maths and had been doing work that people two years older then me had been doing. I decided to help the boy sitting next to me. And this obviously bothered her because she told be to dig myself into my grave, loud enough for half the class to hear. The teacher heard aswell but she didn’t care. No one cared. The only friends I had were three ppl who played re enacted fairytales with me. The same day, in English she joined my English group and because there were too many people in it, she made me leave. So I joined a different group. About a while later she threw pencils at the back of my head. Again the teacher noticed but instead of telling her of she gave me a detention for leaving pencils on the floor. This all happened in one week. I went through this for 2 years. If ur being bullied speak out because someone will listen to u and help u. Don’t make the same mistake I made and tell someone u trust.