I Care Because…

  • Bullying is a sign that some people are jealous of other people in life, they might be bullied too in their past life. I have also been bullied when I was 8-12. But you can’t always give up on everyone and everything u love.

    Ky’Mari — 13
  • No one deserves to be hurt in any way by anyone, everyone has the same rights and no one is better than anyone else, everyone should be treated right and with respect. Also, it is important for everyone to learn that they must first think about what they are going to do or say in order to avoid harming or harming others.

    Xènia — 12
  • I believe that bullying is no joke and no one, no matter how badly they do things, whether they are different or simply not the way you want them to be, should suffer. It hurts a lot, because you wake up with a sunny day and go to sleep and everything turns into a storm or you see everything in black and white instead of enjoying and being happy.

    Níobe and Marina — 12
  • It's not a game because there are many people who have a very bad time to the point of feeling very bad because they don't leave him alone. They don't stop bothering him and they laugh at him for his insecurities, his dreams... etc

    Martí — 12
  • No one has to suffer when other people hit, kick and insult them. Everyone has to go to school happy to learn and have fun. Everyone has to respect the others because we all are people.

    Anna and Núria — 12
  • I care because I have been bullied verbally for too long. All throughout elementary and even just being in the first years of middle school I've heard many of the old insults. 'Fattie, Ugly' you get it. I've had manipulative friends that tell me they aren't bullying the people they are. But when my friend, a really sweet, caring person, got called both fat and ugly, that was the last straw. She was defending her friend from a manipulative bully and she got hit with the worst, and is now afraid to tell anyone. I had to put this on somewhere in hopes that someone, somewhere, knows someone like this and will stand up against them.

  • What is the need to tolerate harassment of other people? It's bad for the people and that the trauma will remain FOREVER? To solve it, people who experience bullying have to say something to someone they trust, such as: to their peers, to their teachers...

    Chen — 13
  • I care because I think this topic is important for everyone, there are lot of people who go through this. if you don’t want to be bullied, don’t do it.

    We believe that it is important to fight against bullying, since you hurt people, If someone does it, what do they gain by hurting someone? Nothing. I know a person who didn't want to go to school, because someone hurt him and threw his food on the floor, and he had a really bad time. Or people who believed themselves to be superior to others and that is why they did not respect them, although it should not happen because we are all equal and no one is better than others.

    Mia and Yasmin — 13 and 13
  • If you put yourself in the shoes of the victim, they will understand that bullying someone hurts and is wrong. Bullying is a very serious issue and very little talked about. People no longer care about others, only about themselves, which is why it is very difficult to get help with the issue of bullying. Many people have suffered this great misfortune. I think that they should consider this issue more seriously and give more help to the people who suffer from it

    Amadou + Imrane — 15
  • If you are being harassed, decide to tell someone who can provide you with the necessary help, do not back down out of fear and seek help.

    Victoria - Laura —