Its not only you… But it will get better!
Have you ever felt many different kind of emotions? It sucks… Sometimes you’re happy and you may seem pretty good with life. Other times you feel down an like you just don’t have a clue. There’s questions we sit an ask ourselfs. Questions we won’t get answers to. Like why am I here, what’s my purpose, what has my life been about or will be about… Different kind of questions that we ask ourslefs as a teenager. Trying to figure out life an how everything will change having to be an adult an have more responsibilitys about things an a lot more. It’s scary! But while you sit in your room listening to those sad songs, sit an cry not knowing what you’re feeling, and slowly the thought of just ending your life within a few seconds pops up an you cry an cry an ask why, an why you… As much as it hurts an as hard as you think it is make a way to live. God knows your life story an what he wants you to live. There’s many people who are here to stand by your side through it all don’t feel alone. Every tear shed is a bit more of strength to keep moving on… We all diserve the best. A smile to everyone stay strong!