3 years of the pain
I have been out through the pain for 3 years it all started in year 7 you get them girls that are always in groups the popular ones well one of them decided it would be fun to come and bully me. 3 years later it’s still happening. I have had enough of backing down allowing them to walk over me being told by teachers to ignore it but I can’t no more I am not afraid I am just finding my voice and want them to know what they have caused I am not backing down no more I’m standing my ground what goes around comes around like a yo-yo I have my own bullying page on Facebook and will be helping all you guys through the pain. People say words like they are nothing but they are everything and they don’t realise the pain a word can cause but I do reach out there is always someone there. U are loved and deserve the best in life don’t let the sad people in life bring u down your worth a lot more be brave and keep your head high I believe In you xx