

Right now, I go to a high school and about 90% of them are Indian (it’s an all girls school). I’m mixed and I’m sorta rare in my school. Quite a few people like me when I just started but now I’m in a class, separated from a lot of them. I am with my best friend but she is also friends with the girl who makes me feels bad all the time. I stopped being her friend before but now she’s acting like we’re buddies and is trying to embarrass me in front of everyone. Just today, for art class we had to draw the person behind us and she’s behind me. When she was drawing me, she was talking out loud and said, “ hmm big eyes, messed up teeth.” I know some people around me heard that and felt bad for me. Even in our last class she spoke about me behind my back and called my previous friend a loser for hanging out with me. Yet still she pretends to be my friend for answers for homework and other things. I just need to let bullies know, it’s the little stuff you say that hurts people. You may get to that one body part or area that person is insecure about and really hurt them, I know it hurt me.