August 28, 2018
So my name is K, and I’m 14 years old and i’m in 9th grade. When I was in 4th grade I was a weird kid (Still am) and I had trouble speaing. What I mean is that I stutter sometimes (EX: I-I-I-I Like D-D-D-D Ogs), and hard for me to say R’s, W’s, etc. So this kid, Lets call him A, I was talking to my friend D, and he overeard are conersation, I said “I-I-I-I-I…….” and then he said “I-I-I-I-I can’t speak” something like that.) and I cried most of p.e since it happend then and my P.E. Coach didn’t even care when I told him I was bullied. So that hurt a lot and now I don’t stutter at all basically now. I just can’t say some stuff correct like my last name they think i say totally different, etc.