

So basically, I’m 15 and I’m 5’11 which is taller than most people my age and I seem to get bullied for it a lot. For instance, I go to an all girls school and I got my 3 best friends but I got social anxiety, but only at school for some reason. I go to an all girls school and a group calls me lanky when I walk past and sometimes if the boys school are on the train they would call me lanky and big foot and a couple of times they chucked things at me like ones bag and newspapers and money. I did stand up for myself and it stopped but happens sometimes. And today, there was a different boys school and I was standing at the bus stop with my friend and I know a few of the boys and some of them just started to talk about my legs and how I’m a “lanky ugly b—” like I spoke to my school about it and they just said like to ignore it but it’s hard because it just puts me down even though I’m trying so much to ignore it. I also was talking to this boy and he liked me but I didn’t like him so him and his friends called me “a man” and urgh it’s just upsetting for me because there’s nothing to do about it and I hate being tall.