My Bullying Story


I was bullied for 3 years, from 4th to 6th grade. But I don’t want to share that story. I want to share another story, one in which I WAS the bully. In second grade, I bullied a girl. I insulted her and called her names on the playground. Bullying was how I vented my sadness and anger from my parents divorce, and it was not a good time for me. I had been a good kid for my whole life, but the bullying made me feel powerful, more superior. It was only when the principal called me to her office and gave me a lecture that I realized the lengths of terrible things I had done. What had started as teasing had grown into hurting a young girls feelings, and I apologized to that girl. We remained acquaintances but never became good friends. I moved to another school after that school year and never bullied anybody ever again, even though I faced a couple bullies later on. To this day, I remain the good kid. I have really good grades and am more level headed.