I stopped
Dear, Mister Bully
Hey mister bully I know that i’m not wanted but still you put me down about everything and I can’t express how much it makes me sad. You know my dad left me and that my step doesn’t give a damn, and you know how my mom works 3rd shift and we can barely pay our rent and all you ever do is call me names, an a disappointment, but honestly I don’t want to give a damn because my mom always tells me words are nothing compared to fists and that I should not even worry about them, but you just keep saying them, and my mom told me that you would stop but you havn’t and honestly I don’t want to come to school because you ruined my life an obviously you don’t give a damn! Sometime I ask myself do I really deserve this and I think about it all the time and come to think of it I have done nothing to get what you are doing to me so why do you have to take your anger out on me. You say I am useless but I want to say f-u but it’s really bad for me to lose my cool. I think you might need help because all you do is put people down just to make yourself happy and to be honest it is driving me crazy and I bet that is driving other people to go crazy too and that it is not just me. All you do is Push! Push! Push! We know one fights back because everyone is afraid of you…. Well not anymore I am done either you can enjoy your life on this earth or i will leave and you can find someone else to bully.