cyber bulling


life began on a very calm site but when I moved in uk trouble just getting started. my story is about cyber bullying on a social media everyone uses Instagram. I started well sharing my life on it, but as time passes by things changed people in my school without me knowing started making fake ac on Instagram saying its me n telling people nasty rumours about me n saying stuff.some people started to hate me because they thought it was me.some didn’t.i didn’t do anything thought it would stop. One day my friend came to me and said are you having a fight with a girl afterschool. I was like no and I asked her who told you that.She told me a anouymous person had made my fake account on Instagram adding all my enemies and people who hates me. In the group that anonymous person was telling a girl that its me and wanted to have a fight. the anonymous person said that she could punch me and was waiting outside my school to have a fight.The girl texted me on my real account n said is that you I said no she didn’t believe me and I was terrified and scared.i had never been throught this situation like this.After long time I wanted to call my mum and tell her I couldn’t I was too scared. I went on my school reception and said that I was ill and needed to go home urgent they send me home.The girl posted this message on insta saying” scary little duckling”. after days my friends gave me solutions n help me get out of this thing I left all my days attending church.and was at home I even missed school days. I blocked the anonymous and the girl. I deleted all my social media and everything social on my phone. and now I don’t use any social media. now I live a happy life…….