The Effects of Bullying


I am 23 years old and everyday I still think about what I went through in high school and college. It may sound pathetic to people that do not understand how bullying hurts people. It still hurts me and everyday I try hard to not let it bring me down. I struggle with social anxiety. A lot of times I am afraid to try to make new friends or go out because I am afraid of being rejected. I have always got along better with adults. I know we cannot let the hurt and pain bother us forever, but I just wanted to let people know there are people out there who still deal with aftereffects from bullying. It is hard to get up and to go to work, to go on a job interview, or just hang out with people. This is why I think people should take bullying seriously and not just say “just toughen up”, “get over it” because it really can affect a person’s life. For those who are getting bullied now know that you are not the only ones and to just keep fighting. Eventually you will find yourself more successful and happier than the people who tried to bring you down.