Light at the end of the tunnel


Right from the very start of primary school to the end of secondary school I was bullied
It started in primary school by just a bit of slagging and as the Years went on the boys got stronger and I got weaker I was always being picked on.slagging starting it then it’d get worse by turning to physical bullying being punched pushed round in circles and that got even worse as I went through the years of primary school.
It got to the stage when it got so bad that I was being dragged to school by my mam to get there. I had no friends in primary school because of all the bullying that i went through.
Then in secondary school I found It very hard to settle in as a first year student because of the past life of bullying I went through
This made me out to be weak and the students saw this in me so then the slagging started and I just kept ignoring it keeping it to myself but it got to the stage that I’d cry in the class hide in the toilets at the break times or just keep walking around the school to get away from it.
Through out the years then in secondary school it got worse as cyber bullying started on Facebook from students in the school as well as other people outside of the school.
The secondary school dealt with it very well when my parents reported it to them but they still never relised the impact the bullying had on the victim.
I made no proper friends in secondary school either as a result of going through all of the bullying
I always pushed this aside and never spoke out about it because nobody would listen to me and if I said anything about it the bullying would just get worse.  I’m only starting to build my confidence back up thanks to the small group of friends that I have.
But the message I have as a victim to the current people going through bullying at the moment and this message isn’t only for victims of bullying but for the families of victims who sadly lost their  lives as a result of bullying
This message is: never ever give up on life as there is always light at the other end of the tunnel as the victims of bullying and also the families who have lost a loved 1 as a result of bullying will always come out stronger than the bully in the end and also never be afraid to speak out about being bullied as there is always somebody that would listen to you.
That’s a strong message coming from a victim of bullying which has to be shared as that thought always helps there’s always light at the other end of the tunnel.