High School


My freshman year of high school started with the same group of friends that I had had since the 7th grade, one day a new guy came to the school and my friends and I were always the people to invite the new kids to join us at lunch, this new guy slowly started to break up our little group and soon everyone was against me. He told everyone that I had a crush on him when in reality my best friend did. Finally I broke away from the “friends” I had. That did not stop the rumors though, soon the new kid had started telling everyone that I had Herpes and that I would never accomplish anything in the world. I slowly stopped going to school and on the days I did I stayed to myself and did not talk to anyone. I finally let my mother know what was going on and she unenrolled me from school. That still did not stop the rumors, now it was that I left school because I was pregnant and was going to a group home until I had the baby. My family ended up moving 45 minutes away but we didn’t stay long, we moved back and everything seemed like it had settled down, but what I hadn’t known was there were more and more rumors circling around. I have now graduated from school and am in college, I can personally say that it does get better, and if you are getting bullied please let someone know before it is too late!