Amongst all the bullying I received throughout my life, I think being implicitly told I was ugly was of the worse kind (Apart from my parents telling me explicitally I was ugly.) Let’s just say my self-esteem has never recovered fully. Anyhow, one of the first instances was in elementary school. “Kids can be cruel.” they used to say loosely. I was told (because I had glasses) that boys would not like me because I was a “nerd” and a “geek” and a “loser”. But what if I liked them? “No, boys only liked girls that were pretty and blonde and that wear make up.” I was a little 8 year old girl, South American, with skin dark and hair darker. I got past it but to this day I still think about it. I still look at couples and can only dream of what it’s like to be loved. I would not wish the treatment I recieved upon anyone and never tolerate bullying of any kind. Nobody deserves to be bullied; because it sticks.