To All Teenager Girls
To all teenager girls
As a fellow 14 year old I have had my fair share of nasty comments about my body and being teased for having no friends over the past 3 years and it was terrible it made me feel down, alone and like I wasn’t good enough. So I want to say to all who are going through this stage please don’t let it get you feeling sad because it isn’t worth it. You are more perfect and beautiful then what you think look like in a mirror and if you don’t believe it ask all the people who love you for you, Parents, aunties, uncles and best friends. The one person who helped me get through a really tough time was my mum but it was only because I was brave enough to open up to her.
It is now three years later and I am in year 8 I have a group of 13 best friends I would do anything for them and I know they would do the same for me and guess what every single one of my friends have been mistreated or bullied but every since we all came together and supported one another the bullies haven’t bothered us at all.
If you are a bully or you find it fun to pick on people I want to know that they have a heart to and every single thing you tease them for hurts badly. Because I had bully and she hurt me a lot and then I was left to pick up the pieces but guess what it makes you stronger
Have a beautiful life because you only have one
From Anonymous