What I’ve been through that makes who I am today


From a very young age, I have been bullied for my looks and who I admire. I’ve handle it well before, but in the 8th grade is when it all started. I just started and already, I was bullied. Everyday, I called “Meow” or “Meow mix” because I draw cats. It something I like and that I enjoy to do. It wasn’t bad, but in the hallways at the end of the day, I got yelled “Meow” at my locker. I never knew who it was and it made me upset. I hated going to school and I never wanted to go. I was picked last to play games and I had to deal with the same two people for all of 8th grade. One day, I was sitting next to one of the boys that bullied me(we had assigned seats in school) and he whispered “Kill yourself”. I wasn’t sure if it was at me or not. I had enough of it. I didn’t want any of it. Whenever I got upset, I had things thrown at me when I wanted to be alone. Pencils, erasers, anything. I finally got the principal involved, because I hated school. I’m glad that I got help, but the teacher never took attack for it. She was in the same class room and never did anything. I am still upset by it and what I went through.