Through my primary to high school years


I was first bullied at the age of 10 getting called a bunch of hateful nasty names by my classmates because I was different and my facial features weren’t perfect, eg my nose. I got called big nose in primary then through 7th and 8th grade my friends started saying “big nose”, “pinnochio” and so on. I would always cry and look into the mirror thinking I’m ugly and not perfect enough for anyone and I always ask myself how people like me, Why is it me who has the big nose or how I look with a perfect nose. I’m still going through stages where people look at me differently and kind of treat me unfairly than the rest, it’s just that they don’t understand how it feels like getting bullied and getting a bunch of words at you. It’s really painful and people don’t realise that besides me. I started ignoring people who keep calling me names and pretend I didn’t hear them so they stop, but to all those people out there you’re all beautiful no matter what, please don’t listen to all the negativity thrown at you because you’re gorgeous inside and out.